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Lord Shangshu who lost his vest (14th Feb 23 at 12:54am UTC)
The beginning of all kinds, once all kinds, if not to doubt, there will never be results. Xia Xiaohu's appearance, like a sharp knife into the old wound in Zhao Ying's chest, blood splashed, he deliberately forgot all kinds of hook out. He did not want to believe that Xia yuan, who had followed his father since childhood, would calculate the rivers and mountains of the Jin Dynasty. I don't want to believe that everything from childhood to adulthood is just a conspiracy. Yesterday evening, after waking up from a coma, Zhao Ying suddenly remembered his father and Blue Mammy. Father said: "You must be kind to Xia yuan.". Blue Mammy said, Your Majesty should be kind to Xia yuan. Father said: "Whether he wants to be an official or want to resign, follow his wishes, do not embarrass him.". "Yu Heng is a poor child," said Mammy Lan. "Your Majesty should not embarrass him, or your Majesty will regret it later. Why should we treat Xia yuan kindly? Why do you say don't be hard on him? Why do you say you will regret it later? Zhao Ying was physically and mentally exhausted, and did not want to be calculated by them like a fool. So he summoned Mammy Blue. A glass of poisoned wine, a pen and paper. Write down the truth, and I will keep your whole body and make proper arrangements for your death. "Old Minister, thank your Majesty for his grace." Blue Mammy knew this day would come sooner or later. These old people, including the most powerful ones in the court, were grindstones left by the late emperor to His Majesty. The dignity of the emperor, where is they these courtiers can provoke? A slave who makes his master unhappy never comes to a good end. When Zhao Yingzhen stood up, it was the day when these old ministers begged for their bones to return home. Your Majesty, I beg you for the last time to show mercy to Yu Heng. Blue Mammy knelt down to make a big gift, then trembled her hands and wrote a line of words on the blank paper. Then he drank the cup of poisonous wine with a smile and turned to walk out. Yuheng girl, this time, Mammy is sorry for you. The huge Taizheng Palace was very empty at night, and Chang Chun neatly ordered the death of Mammy Lan and returned to the main hall. Master.. "" Zhao Ying was holding the letter paper,endless pool swim spa, and his face was so pale that he did not look like a living person. Chang Chun is very worried about Zhao Ying's body, the master just woke up in the evening, don't have anything to do! "Chang Chun, you let the people of the first battalion hide around Xia Fu and take good care of the people of King Zhen." "Yes." That night, Zhao Ying sat in the main hall of Taizheng Palace all night, and Chang Chun stood with him all night. In the early hours of the morning, Zhao Ying, who was exhausted and angry, fainted again. Chang Chun sighed and let the doctor, who had also been in the side hall all night, come in. He knew this would happen. After noon, Zhao Ying woke up. He didn't even have a meal, so he changed his regular clothes and went out of the palace. It was just right to catch up with Xia yuan's attack. Zhao Ying walked into the Begonia Garden and stared at Xia yuan, who could not move on the ground, for a long time. The more he looked, endless pool factory ,whirlpool hot tub spa, the more ridiculous he felt. After so many years, I am really a fool. Reaching out and holding the man in his arms, he clearly realized that the light weight was definitely not an adult man. He walked out with a sullen face, unwilling to look at the man in his arms. The man he loved to the bone and hated to the bone. He couldn't figure out how fickle, cold-blooded, and unscrupulous a woman would have to be like Xia yuan to use everything she had as a bargaining chip to realize her so-called loyalty. In her eyes, the late emperor is the meaning of her life? What about him? What about their son? You don't have to do anything, do you? What a good courtier of the late emperor! ...... On the other hand, since the day of the Lantern Festival, after Cheng Yushu's showdown with her parents, the two elders of the family have been worried. Mother Cheng was in tears all day, fearing that when she woke up one morning, she would see her daughter coming home with a letter of divorce. In fact, the more you are afraid of something, the more you get something. Their charming, virtuous, dignified and quiet daughter, who has been raised from childhood to adulthood, unexpectedly! Ture! By! Hugh! Here we go! Moreover, not to mention being divorced, she was also directly touched by someone, and was brought back by a strange man!!! Old Lady Cheng saw the scene of two people entering the door, rolled her eyes directly, and fainted with a hiccup. Cheng Jijiu is better than his wife, and he can calm down.
Trembling to bring people into the yard, after all, do not wash their dirty linen in public! May I ask you.. What's your name? ?” "Your surname is Chang. Uncle can call me Yuqing." In the banquet room, Cheng Yu-shu, who had solved the acupoint, went to see her mother. Chang Yuqing stayed in the living room and sat awkwardly face to face with Cheng Lao's sacrificial wine. The old sacrificial wine did not know how to face the object of his daughter's cheating. He was neither polite nor impolite. After all, if he still loves his daughter, if Xia yuan and Cheng Yushu are impossible, then Cheng Yushu will count on this man for the rest of her life. I wonder who else is in Mr. Chang's family? How old are your parents this year? "Yuqing has no father or mother, and there are no other relatives in the family." Oh, no wonder. On the other side, Mrs. Cheng, who had woken up, wiped her tears with a veil and said, "Shuer, you are confused!"! Then Xia yuan treats you so well, why do you want to do such a thing!!! The more Mrs. Cheng said, the more sad she was. The more sad she was, the more she cried. Cheng Yu-shu lowered her head and rubbed her temples. "Mother," she said, "my daughter has her own plans. You don't have to worry about me." Chapter 99 Don't worry? How can you not worry about it! Cheng Jijiu and his wife now feel that their hearts are broken! "Intend to?"? What's your plan? Going to be with that, that.. Alas !” Mrs. Cheng can't say the three words of wild man. Cheng Yu-shu understood who she was talking about. She nodded directly and said simply, "Yes, my daughter is going to marry him." "Evil barrier!"! Evil barrier! Mrs. Cheng cried out of breath and was about to take a picture of Cheng Yushu. Finally,hot tub manufacturers, she was not willing to give up. She took a heavy picture of the edge of the bed of Lihuamu: "What did I do?"! To bring up such an impolite girl like you!!! Cheng Yushu's eyes were red and she did not defend herself. In the living room, Cheng Lao looked at the young man who looked familiar and asked, "Where is Mr. Chang?"? Do you have fame? 。
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