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Hachifu Linmen full text reading, novel Hachifu Li (5th Jan 23 at 1:50am UTC)
"Girl, I haven't seen you for almost a year. Why did you suddenly appear at Dengxianding?" Look, he still has the strength to talk. Teacher, now is not the time to speak. They're in hot pursuit. "What are you afraid of? I'll take you to the path." With these words, the teacher turned into the woods on the side of the mountain when he was in the triple heaven. Girl, what happened this year? "It's a long story. I'll talk to you when I'm out of danger." I followed my teacher around the dense forest. Finally. He hid in a hidden place and watched all the people in the Secret Palace pass by. I breathed a long sigh of relief. It's not safe here. Go to Ghost Cry Valley. Teacher Gong suggested. But I don't have an antidote. Although I am invulnerable to all kinds of poisons, the teacher is not. I don't want to be angry with the teacher in the poisonous fog forest. But Shigong smirked and said, "I do." It turned out that since we left Ghost Crying Valley, Shigong had taken Ghost Crying Valley as his secret base, where he often went to avoid the people of Tianji Palace and played hide-and-seek with them. The teacher is just as naughty as before. The sky is blue, the grass is green, and there is Yinchuan, and the cave house hidden under Yinchuan. 16K. Computer station www. The moment I stepped in, I threw myself on the newly born soft lawn of Ghost Cry Valley, and completely melted into the silence. Peace and harmony.. "Girl.." "Ah.." The sighing of the innocent teacher, drifting in the gentle wind, and my sadness, flying into the distance together. I closed my eyes, Xiao Li, I'm back. Maybe it was the tension of fifteen days in a row,die casting parts, or the tiredness of running away. I lay on the lawn and fell into a deep sleep. When I woke up, the sunset had already set. The innocent teacher's white eyebrows were tightly wrinkled together, and he had always been as carefree as a child. Girl, you can tell me everything now. "Hey.." With a long sigh, I spit out all the dreariness and siltation of the fifteen days before I began to narrate slowly. Girl! Everything you say is true! After hearing this, the innocent teacher was completely shocked. He couldn't believe that Xuan Mingyu, who was pure and good on the surface,CNC machining parts, would do such a cruel thing. Xuan Mingyu! I'm going to kill him! In a murderous manner, the innocent teacher grabbed me and said, "Girl, don't be impulsive. It's easy to go down the mountain, but it's hard to go up the mountain again.." After a moment's absence, I fell into depression. The innocent teacher is right. There is no evidence now. The head of the Feng family is dead again. It can be said that there is no proof of death. Who would believe what a woman who holds the sky in her hand and looks somewhat similar to the demon fox said? Girl, don't lose heart. In fact, Yunxiaozi has long been wary of Xuan Mingyu. Suddenly, Wuxie Shigong's voice became deep. He has never been so serious as he is today. Yunxiaozi? "It's my disciple, the boy who is now in charge of the Tianji Palace." The innocent teacher's eyebrows trembled proudly. "He didn't like Xuan Mingyu, and he doubted the fact that he killed the demon fox. So as long as I go back and tell him the truth, although there is no evidence to deal with Xuan Mingyu, it can also make him unable to go down the mountain." "Teacher Gong you." "Hey hey, that old boy felt uncomfortable when Xuan Mingyu took away Tianjue.". And, alloy die casting ,titanium machining parts, girl, don't forget, Xuan Mingyu knows I'm familiar with you, and he doesn't dare to touch me, so with me in Tianji Mountain, Xuan Mingyu doesn't dare to make a mistake for a day. The more the innocent teacher said, the more proud he was. However, I still felt that Xuan Mingyu was cheap. Now it's important to save Li Ge and his daughter. About Xuan Mingyu, I'd better listen to what Li Ge said later. That's good. You should be careful, Shigong. "Oh, I'm bored to death. How can I be like an old woman at such a young age? It's not safe here. You'd better leave quickly!" "Yes." The old man's smile has a kind of magic that makes me feel at ease. Unconsciously, I regard this old man as my real relative. Oh! Come so soon. Suddenly, the teacher squinted and smiled. I was confused, but I saw that Shigong had turned to look at the entrance of the Valley of Ghost Crying: "Girl, I forgot to tell you that among those boys, I like the crane child best, so.." "Hey, hey." “……” With black lines all over his face, the old man must have shared this place with King's Landing Crane.
The afterglow of the setting sun falls on the entrance of the Valley of Ghost Crying, as if covering it with a pale golden gauze curtain, and the streamer flows like water, charming and intoxicating. There was a fairy in white, who came from the golden mist. For a moment, the golden color dyed his clothes and brought out a touch of silver light, which was the silver hairpin between his black hair. However, there was a heavy and murderous look on the face of the floating fairy, which could not distinguish between male and female. The little crane. The innocent teacher jumped up to meet him, but the other side pulled out the clear sword: "Teacher, how can you let the demon fox go?" Sure enough, after a year, the wooden head of King's Landing Crane has not changed. Hum I sneer, "which eye do you see I was born in the year of fox?"? I don't have a fox tail! A stomach is stuffy and has no place to vent, and is completely inspired by the sound of the demon fox, King's Landing Crane. The clear sword in the hand of King's Landing Crane shone with cold light, and the bright face of the sword reflected my face, while the sky in my hand also made an excited sound. Suddenly, a certain root in the brain has been revived, and this day is not to attack Xiaoqing? This is to see blood. Small seal push finally ended, whoosh.. Small Junjun once again grand debut, as expected or to rely on the beautiful man to let small Shu that YY nerve resurrection ah Mobile phone: CN/User/Messages. ASPX? Webmaster to = webmaster & title = WEB- "Eight Men" [Netizen Upload Chapter] (Episode 4 (If there is a mistake in the chapter, please report it to us) Netizens upload the fourth chapter of Chapter 61 for Chu Yi who is obsessed with love. In April, the recommended ticket was 700 plus more and the seventh more was sent to see a lot of opinions, good and bad, and the little lianzi went to face the wall. The result of facing the wall is to stop writing temporarily after finishing this book, sort out your own shortcomings,metal stamping parts, fill in the holes, and learn ^ ^. When King's Landing Crane appeared, Master Wuxie gave me only one word: "Go." "Go?" "That wood won't make sense for a while. Don't miss saving Xiao Li." 。
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