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Conquer the Kingdom of Heaven (19th Dec 22 at 12:20am UTC)
There was a crash of broken spears and armor. Several whirlpools like meteorites immediately appeared in the dense ranks, and the knights who had been pierced by several spears kept shaking on the still standing spears, while the fallen knights struggled on the ground, trying to avoid the horses coming from behind! "A mean coward!" Renard's eyes were almost red, and he was lucky to survive the shower of arrows. He struggled to pull an arrow from the flag that was shaking in front of him. If it hadn't been for the feathers on the arrow that the spike on the flag finally caught, the arrow would have hit his chest by now. I'll kill them all! Renard's shouts echoed in front of the battle, ringing through the cold wind. At that moment, he saw a scene that made him laugh-the knight holding the flag of Botnam on the right wing attacked the enemy who was trying to escape like a dagger. De.. The pike in Garland's hand pierced the wind curtain. 。 With a chilling spirit, he stabbed the black knight opposite holding the flag. He knew that this man must be the leader of the enemy, and if he could defeat him, the battle that had been entangled for a long time would come to an end! "Look out, bayonet!" De.. Garland did not hesitate to issue a warning at the last moment. A knight's pride and honor would not allow him to attack an enemy without warning. The sharp tip of the spear was like a poisonous snake, and he could even feel the blockage when the tip of the spear pierced the black robe. But everything seemed to be empty,interactive panels for education, and his spear lost its target when it was about to hit the other side! The virtue of physical imbalance. Garland didn't have to plunge forward. 。 But what frightened him even more was that the opponent who suddenly disappeared from the horse miraculously turned up from the horse's belly! Already unable to hold the forward momentum, Garland watched helplessly as the man's body swayed past the tip of his gun and clung to it, and the last thing he saw was a dazzling drill passing in front of his eyes! Accompanied by splashes of blood and the light of the knife that cleaved the beautiful knight's forehead, Hector rushed past Garland, who had not yet fallen,smart interactive whiteboard, with almost no pause. The flag in his hand was raised high, and after a whirl, it stretched forward like a spear, in a heart-shaking cry. For the first time, he shouted to the team that had moved to the wings in the circle: "Forward, Redeem the Order!" Niemankirus, who had been staring at the movement on the other side, roared at his team as he saw the dazzling black cross flag spinning in the air, and the desire for battlefield passion that had been suppressed for many years made his whole body boil with blood. Boar's head! Niemankirus's stubby neck bulged, 65 inch touch screen ,touch screen whiteboard, and he vented the excitement of the moment with a fearsome cry: "Boar's head, charge!" The cavalry, who understood in a moment, immediately let out a burst of cheers, knowing that the knight's glory they had been looking forward to was at this moment. Like a huge wedge, the team, which stretched out like fangs, rushed towards the enemy who was in a hurry by the sudden rain of arrows. The earth is roaring under your feet! The trampling and churning earth is fragrant with the smell of blood. Mixed into a disgusting but blood-surging smell straight to the mouth and nose! In order to prevent the sweat from soaking, the coarse cloth on the handle of the spear had been tightly wrapped around the palm of the hand, and at the moment of impact, the huge resistance from the hand and the scarlet that then appeared in front of us filled the whole world! "Boom!" A loud noise sounded almost simultaneously from both sides of the front in an instant! The braying of horses, the collision of human bodies, the rupture of shields, the splashing of weapons and the fear and screams of the slain before death! The two armies thrown together by the impact in an instant are like the collision roar of two giants. Standing on the hill, Maximian trembled with surprise. He never thought he would go to the battlefield. Heavy armor and sharp swords were so far away for him, but it suddenly came true.
Now he was escorted by several cavalry and watched uneasily as a real cavalry duel finally broke out under the hill! He could not imagine why Hector, after his successful harassment of Renard, insisted on such a chivalrous confrontation. In fact, Renard had been somewhat exhausted by Hector's cunning but effective entanglement tactics during this period. Unlike the Knights of Redemption, who didn't have to worry about supplies, Renard had to rack his brains for food, shelter and transportation while robbing. He had to know how much food and drink he could provide to the army at any time, and he had to worry about the next target of the robbery. Even from some of the villagers he had robbed, Maximian heard the news, several times because he could not get supplies in time. Renard actually ordered people to kill a few good auxiliary horses for rations. But. Just when he could have driven him away with a little more effort, the Hector suddenly decided to have a so-called "chivalrous and glorious battle" with the Earl of Botnam. And the man immediately and stubbornly began to carry out his plan. He selected from the ranks the horsemen who had been experienced earlier and those who had been gradually trained during this period, and gave them the best weapons and horses. Under Maximian's painful hatred, he took the poor gold and silver from Jerusalem from the clerk's hands, and gave all of them to the horsemen who were about to attack with him. Maximian remembered what Hector had said to the horsemen before the attack: "If you want your excellency to call you knights when he returns, then follow me to challenge a group of real knights and arm yourselves with their armor and equipment!" "Madman." The clerk groaned feebly as he recalled all this,smart board whiteboard, and he looked down at the terrible scene, which had been mixed up and strangled like two huge curled snails on either side of Renard's line, and he was completely shocked by the cruelty of the scene.
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